
Spaghetti Shmear

No, it's not Einstein Bro's newest cream cheese creation. It's the result of tonight's dinner with a one year old. We stripped Sunshine down and let her have her way with her spaghetti. The results were not surprising, but cute none the less. So we snapped some pictures not with our fancy-shmancy digital SLR, but with our nearly new touch screen phones. Mine came with a 3 megapixel camera and Hubby's has a whopping 5 megapixels. One day I'm sure I'll read this post and think, "I can't believe I thought that was a lot of megapixels on a phone!"

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I've realized my life was even less interesting that I supposed it was. A day in the life: on the days I go to work, I send Sunshine to the babysitter, or Lisa comes and watches her. I come home and do a little cleaning and a lot of procrastinating, while playing with Sunshine. Depending on the time Hubby comes home, I might make us dinner. Then we tend to spend the evening "veg-ing" on the couch watching mindless TV, the Office on DVD, or the occasional movie. I get to bed usually before 12. On the days I don't work, I wake up when Sunshine does (between 8 and 9), procrastinate even more, and clean even less. I'm working on that. Days with TuffStuff and Miss Fancy are always a little bit more hectic as I pick them up from school, help with homework, and get dinner on the table.

On an unrelated note, Sunshine is starting to pick up Baby Sign like crazy lately. It's fun to realize she now wants to know the signs for certain objects. Words she knows very well are: milk, daddy, more, eat, water, hat, baby, hi/bye, ball, and Lisa. Words she's learning include: bear, book, please, thank you, cat, and "brush your teeth." I think we'll start teaching her "chair" for her booster seat she loves. There are probably a couple more I'm not recalling right now. She will often point to me and sign the object she wants, letting me know she'd like me to get it for her. I love how she's communicating at such a young age! The only words she'll say regularly are "Mama" (her new favorite since she realized it gets my attention) and "Uh oh." I think if we hadn't taught her baby sign, she might say a few more words but it's so nice to see her have the tools to get what she wants. Without tantrums! I'm very proud of her, and us, for the progress she's made.

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